Power sport equipment

By its very nature, can take a punishing every time it’s used. After all, part of the fun of riding an ATV, UTV, dirt bike, or mini bike is pushing it to its limit and navigating rough terrain. While it can be fun to take on challenging trails and rough roads, they can do a number on your vehicle or bike. To keep your power sport equipment running at its best, it’s important to get it serviced regularly and have repairs done at the first signs of a problem.

Engine rebuilds

If your ride has undergone a few years of faithful service but is showing signs of slowing down, it may be time to schedule an engine overhaul. We have experience undertaking big projects like engine rebuilds on various vehicles from a multitude of manufacturers.

An engine rebuild can re-establish your vehicle or bike’s power, while also improving fuel efficiency. An engine overhaul will involve the installation of new valves, shims, and guides, as well as new piston rings and spark plugs, among other components. An engine rebuild is no small repair job – it’s one that requires qualified and skilled mechanics to get the job done right.

Oil and filter changes

Heavy use of your ATV, UTV, or sport bike can lead to a build-up of old oil that can clog vital components and compromise the performance of your ride. Routine oil and filter changes are good to include in any maintenance regimen. Check your vehicle’s owner’s manual to see what the manufacturer specifies as appropriate times for changing the oil and replacing the filter. Having fresh oil to lubricate, cool, and clean your engine will let you ride without worrying about a breakdown. 

Chain adjustment and replacement

Power sport vehicles rely on chains working efficiently to provide a stable ride. The tension in your chains may need to be adjusted periodically to help maintain the performance of drive components. When the chain is too loose, it can lead to the undue wear of your sprocket and gear. Too tight, and the chain puts excessive strain on your wheel and drive shaft.

In addition to inspecting and adjusting chains as needed, we can replace chains, as well as sprockets, when they’ve worn down from regular use. If you notice any trouble shifting with your vehicle, it might be a sign that the chain and sprockets need to be replaced.


When the sad time comes to stow away your power sport vehicle for the winter, we can help prepare it for the colder months ahead so it will be in excellent working condition come warmer weather. Adding a fuel stabilizer to the gas tank, oiling the suspension and drive shaft, and using metal protector on metallic engine parts will all help keep your vehicle in good condition while it’s not in use.

For all of the services listed above, or any other maintenance or repair work you need done on your power sport equipment, contact us for a free quote.